2019 Featured Guests Biographies:

In keeping with our great tradition of bringing you the "Industry Experts", we are once again very proud of the "Featured Guests" who will be on hand to meet/greet/interact with all of our attendees this year. This year's "Featured Guests" include two returning authors on Hunting (Todd Mead) & Fishing (Spider Rybaak), as well as one of the industries 'up and coming' New York Outdoor Writers - Jerrod Vila.

Hunting Author Todd Mead

Todd Mead is the author of three books, "A Lifetime of Big Woods Hunting Memories," "Backcountry Bucks," and the newly released "Pursuing Public Land Whitetails." Mead, who grew up in Kinsbury, N.Y., a small rural farming community on the southeastern edge of the Adirondack Park, began writing when he was a child. Upon graduating from SUNY Oneonta, he took a job as an editor with Tribune Media. Although the company has changed hands since then, he is the head copy editor of the business, which is now called Gracenote, a Nielsen Company. Over the years, Mead has traveled across the country to hunt. He has explored public lands in almost every state from Massachusetts to Colorado, giving him the background to write a book that will help people understand how to get started, where to go, and how to succeed. He has been featured in Outdoor Life magazine and North American Whitetail magazine. His work has also appeared in Adirondack Outdoors, Outdoors North, The Outdoor Gazette, Outdoors Magazine, and New York Outdoor News, among other places. He has also been featured on the most listened to podcasts in the deer hunting world, including "Wired to Hunt" and "Big Buck Registry." "Pursuing Public Land Whitetails" has something for everyone, from newbies to seasoned veterans. Todd will be attending our show with copies of all three of his books for sale. You can learn more about him by visiting his website: www.toddmead.com



Spider Rybaak

Fishing Author Spider Rybaak

Our second featured guest is writer/photographer and Fishing Author Spider Rybaak, who returns with his newest book "Fishing the Salmon River." Rybaak was born in a refugee camp in Germany shortly after World War II, to Ukrainians enslaved by the Nazis during the conflict. Since coming to America, Spider has spent the last 30 years in Canastota NY and has been a freelance writer/photographer and has published thousands of stories and photos in magazines ranging from "Outdoor Life," "In Fisherman," "Great Lakes Angler," "Salmon, Trout, Steelhead" and the "American Legion Magazine," as well as the newspaper "Syracuse New Times". Spider has previously authored five books: "Fishing the Adirondacks", "Fishing The Great Lakes of New York", "Fishing Oneida Lake", "Fishing Eastern New York" and "Fishing Western New York. Spider also writes a blog for Oswego County Tourism (fishingandhuntinginoswego.blogspot.com). Spider will be on hand at the show signing copies of all six of his books and answering questions about fishing all of New York State.


Outdoor Writer Jerrod Vila

Jarrod VillaJarrod Villa

Our third featured guest is Outdoor Writer Jerrod Vila. Jerrod has been an avid outdoorsman his entire life, stemming from catching tiny brook trout in Adirondack mountain streams while camping with his family growing up. In 2009, he and a couple of friends with similar passions began "Downwind Outdoors" which has now grown to the #1 eastern coyote hunting channel on YouTube with well over 10 million views. This adventure led him into filming for the Pursuit Channel with the still running show "Live The Wildlife TV with Gus Congemi." Writing Blogs and reviews for www.beyondthecrosshairs.com and www.downwindoutdoors.com led him to find a real aspiration in outdoor writing and he became of member of New York State Outdoor Writers Association (NYSOWA). He currently writes an outdoor sports column for the Amsterdam Recorder, Adirondack Express, Hamilton County Express, and Fulton County Express. Jerrod is also the flyfishing editor of "The Angler Magazine Upstate New York Edition" and has written national articles for "Coastal Angler Magazine." A serious passion for fly fishing has led him on adventures in Colorado, Maine and Ontario to chase native trout. In addition, he is an accomplished bowhunter and can be found hanging around in a tree stand when not waist deep in a stream or setup on a snow laden hedgerow calling elusive predators. Jerrod will be at our show, greeting readers and talking about Outdoor Hunting & Fishing pursuits.




Harvey A. Donaldson - Fulton County Sports HOF Inductions

Harvey A. Donaldson, the Founding Father of Modern Bench Rest Shooting

By Mike Hauser

Throughout our nation's history, firearms have been a crucial tool for its inhabitants to feed their families, protection against predators and for citizen militias. And throughout this time, gunsmiths in America have been designing firearms to be more accurate and effective for its users. It is this spirit of improvement that has led to the advancement in firearms and ammunition since the creation of the gun. One of the most well-known rifle cartridge designers and experimenters of the 20th Century was Harvey A. Donaldson of Fultonville New York. Donaldson was born on April 6, 1884 in Fultonville, where he attended public school. His Mother, an area school teacher, was considered one of the "best gun shooters" in the Northeast in the 1870's. She learned the art of rifle and shotgun shooting from her older brother (A.B. Jones), who had been a member of the Berdan Regiment of Sharpshooters in the Civil War. Together, they attended many area turkey shoots to test their skills and compete. When Harvey turned seven years old, his mother and uncle (who he referred to as his "Shooting Uncle") began passing down the art of shooting and the skills of reloading to him, which led to a life-long passion for firearms and ammunitions.

Donaldson was a typical active male growing up, participating in football, basketball and tennis. Most of his remaining free time was spent hunting woodchucks and crows. At the age of 14 (1898) he attended the Peekskill Military Academy in Peekskill New York. After three years of military school, he attended the Albany Business College in Albany, New York in 1900, where he took up the subject of banking and bookkeeping because he liked anything that demanded accuracy. After his schooling was complete, he worked for a time as a bookkeeper and then learned the woodworking trade while employed by the Rome Brass and Copper Company making wood patterns. During World War I, he worked for the Remington Arms Company in Ilion New York as a small arms inspector and taught manual training (wood and metal working) in a local high school at night. After the war, he learned the tool-making trade, which eventually brought him back to Fultonville. In 1935, the Fultonville Machine and Tool Company was founded and Harvey was hired on as its first machinist and toolmaker. He would continue to work for this company until he was well into his 80's.

When Harvey was fifteen years old (around the time of the Spanish American War), he started accompanying his uncle to turkey shoots much like his mother had in her younger days. In the late 1800's & early 1900's, competitive shooting was an important sporting activity, and was covered in the media as much as baseball, football and other popular sports are today. He also began reading his uncle's copies of 'Shooting and Fishing' (a popular publication of that time), which led to his interest in Schuetzen shooting at the turn of the century. This form of shooting was performed with a single shot rifle, and the practitioner strived for precise shot placement into the bullseye of a 25-ring target, from a distance of 200 yards. His first Schuetzen rifle was a Pope rifle that was made by famed gun maker Harry Pope in 1903. The more he shot the gun, the more he questioned many things about its performance and how to improve it. He searched for information that he could not find in his uncle's magazines. It was at that time that his 'Shooting uncle' gave him some very profound advice that would set him on a lifelong quest for more knowledge to improve his shooting through the better understanding of the equipment used. He told him "Boy, if you want to learn anything about shooting, go to the man who knows how to shoot." Based on that advice, the young Donaldson began a letter writing campaign in which he corresponded with the experts he read about in the publications of the day, such as rifle designer Harry Pope, ballistics expert Franklin Weston Mann, custom rifle manufacturer Adolph O. Niedner and cartridge designer Charles Newton (to name a few). And much to Donaldson's surprise, they all responded to his questions, setting him off on life-long learning tour. He would eventually become personal friends with these experts, attending Schuetzen shoots with and working side by side doing shooting and ammunition experiments with the biggest names in the industry.

The lessons learned participating in Schuetzen Shooting were the foundation for the various case experiments he would conduct. At that time, handloading was a no more than a small hobby that was openly opposed by the major gun manufacturers. But Donaldson felt it was a necessity to experiment with bullet design (wildcatting) to find a proper load for a particular rifle. Around 1910, he started designing cases and made jacketed bullets with Niedner swages, utilizing things he learned in his correspondence with Dr. Mann and Niedner himself. He was never content and kept trying for something better. This led to him creating several unique new rifle cartridges and authoring articles in several magazines in the ammunition and firearms fields in 'The American Rifleman', 'Handloader; The Journal of Ammunition Reloading', and 'The Ultimate in Rifle Precision'. Through these writings he shared his vast knowledge on the subject of rifles, making him famous in the gun world and one of the world's authorities on rifle accuracy.

After World War I, anything associated with Germany or "German" was shunned, and use of the Schuetzen Rifle declined and the Schuetzen Matches eventually came to an end in the late 1920's. This left Donaldson with very few formal outlets to compete and test the things he was learning and creating through his experimentation. To continue to hone his skills at long-distance shooting, he hunted woodchucks in the local area. Woodchucks are a nuisance to area farmers as they damage their fields, crops, equipment and livestock. Farm equipment damages their axles when riding into their holes, and broken legs of livestock ensue if they step into the holes burrowed by the rodents for their dens. Eradicating a woodchuck is difficult, as they have excellent eyesight, and on the open farmlands of the Upstate New York area they have open views of hundreds of yards. And once they sense danger, they immediately drop back into their dens. In order to shoot such cunning creatures, woodchuck hunting demands accurate long-range shots at a very small target. To continue to make improvements to this type of shooting, Donaldson drew from the knowledge and spirit of experimentation he had gained from his relationships with the likes of industry legends Pope, Mann, Niedner and Newton. In 1937, Donaldson created a new wildcat target/varmint cartridge design by reshaping the body of the case of a bullet to allow more grains of powder. This increased the velocity of the bullet, while maintaining its accuracy. This allowed for a very powerful and accurate shot at long ranges, which was perfect for woodchuck hunting. This new cartridge design would become known as the .219 Donaldson Wasp Cartridge. The praise that this new cartridge began receiving in gun magazines led to gunsmiths throughout the United States building rifles specifically chambered for it. This raised the bar in the world of long-distance shooting.

That same year he designed the now infamous .219 Donaldson Wasp Cartridge (1937), a group of Fulton County shooting enthusiasts organized a shooting club called the Pine Tree Rifle Club. In early 1938 the club leased 30 acres of land North of Johnstown located on what is now Johnson Avenue. On this land, they built a 100-yard range and an area for trap shooting. For the first few years they would hold meetings at each of the member's homes. In 1940 they built a clubhouse on the same piece of leased land, and in 1941 the club was granted a State Charter. Around this time, club membership had risen to approximately 150 members, all of whom used the ranges and property for family picnics. Turkey shoots, clambakes and dinners were held to raise funds for improvements at the club and in 1942 they purchased the land. Nothing out of the ordinary compared to the thousands of Rod & Gun Clubs that blanketed North America at that time.

That same year he designed the now infamous .219 Donaldson Wasp Cartridge (1937), a group of Fulton County shooting enthusiasts organized a shooting club called the Pine Tree Rifle Club. In early 1938 the club leased 30 acres of land North of Johnstown located on what is now Johnson Avenue. On this land, they built a 100-yard range and an area for trap shooting. For the first few years they would hold meetings at each of the member's homes. In 1940 they built a clubhouse on the same piece of leased land, and in 1941 the club was granted a State Charter. Around this time, club membership had risen to approximately 150 members, all of whom used the ranges and property for family picnics. Turkey shoots, clambakes and dinners were held to raise funds for improvements at the club and in 1942 they purchased the land. Nothing out of the ordinary compared to the thousands of Rod & Gun Clubs that blanketed North America at that time.

Another historical occurrence in the history of benchrest shooting also took place that weekend when the Eastern Bench Rest Shooter's Association was formed by those in attendance. The aim and object of the Association was voted to be; "the advancement of experimenting through benchrest shooting, in order to improve the performance of various rifles, both in match and varmint shooting, along with the components and other accessories; to obtain the utmost in rifle accuracy; and to force the improvements in rifles and ammunition through individual experimenting." Donaldson was appointed president of the organization and it was agreed upon that the group would meet and hold a benchrest match every Labor Day at the club. With this event and meeting, the sport of benchrest shooting was officially born! The organization changed its name to Benchrest Shooters Association in 1948 so as not to limit them to a regional membership and allow shooting enthusiasts from across the United States and Canada to join. Today the original benchrest organization formed at the clubs first shoot in 1947 still operates, but under the name of International Benchrest Shooters (IBS). The organization is now nearly 1,000 strong and boasts members from all over the world. These members approach long-range shooting with the same philosophies & reverence that Donaldson and his group of woodchuck hunting cronies from the Pine Tree Rifle Club did at that historic Memorial Day 1947 competition. Who knew that Upstate New York had the "Abner Doubleday of benchrest shooting" grow up here and create an international sport right here in our own backyard!

True to the original initiative set forth in 1947, The Pine Tree Rifle Club would be the site of NYS & National Shoots until the mid-1980's. At the 1983 IBS National Shoot, club member Dr. Richard Maretzo established a new world record when he placed 10 shots from 100 yards into a group that measured .119 of an inch in extreme spread (size of a dime). After a nearly 30-year hiatus, IBS competition was brought back to the club in 2014 using a SCORE format, spearheaded by club member and accomplished area shooter John DelSavio. After two successful IBS shoots, the club was awarded the 100/200-yard IBS SCORE Nationals Championships in August 2016. This brought 54 of the top shooters from across the country to compete, and Dean Breeden from Maryland set two new world records. Because of the success of these recent events, future National Championships are expected to be brought back to the club as early as 2019. As the club enters its 81st year in existence, it now supports a membership of 1,350 and maintains one of the best & most historic shooting facilities in the nation. In addition to the historic 200-yard range built in 1947, they now have a total of 39 benchrests (30 for IBS competition). The facility now consists of 94 acres containing; two skeet fields, one trap field (complete with skeet building made out of the original club house from 1940), 1 ½ mile 3D archery course, outside pistol range, pavilion and a 30' BBQ pit. The original clubhouse (now the skeet building) was replaced in 1951 by a state-of-the-art building complete with a full bar, banquet hall, meeting rooms and 50' indoor pistol range. The club has also been the host site of the New York State benchrest shooting championships each year since 2014. And as the club closes out its season each September with its final 200-yard match, the event ends with "Donaldson Memorial Match." This is a separate match in which any shooter in attendance can participate in a 200-yard shoot, but shooting at a smaller 100-yard target. The smaller target makes for a more challenging competition, in honor of Harvey Donaldson and the spirit of his early days of pioneering precision rifle accuracy, by inspiring individual marksmanship and ingenuity.

In addition to being known as the 'Father of modern organized rifle bench rest shooting', Donaldson was also a sports car enthusiast. He bought his first car (a Stanley Steamer) in 1900, when there were only 1,000 cars in all of New York State at the time. He also loved Chevy muscle cars, especially Corvettes and Chevelles. General Motors featured a write up about him in their Corvette Magazine in 1961 in which they recognized him as the oldest known member of the Corvette Club and the oldest sports car driver in the United States. He was also a member of the NRA and the Fultonville Reformed Church. Donaldson passed away on November 6, 1972 just shy of his 90th birthday and is buried in the Maple Avenue Cemetery in Fultonville.

Harvey A. Donaldson has been nominated for induction into the Fulton County Baseball & Sports Hall of Fame for his role in establishing the first modern benchrest rifle competition in 1947, leading to the sport becoming established internationally. His induction will take place on Saturday February 9th (3pm) at the Johnstown Moose Club (109 S. Comrie Avenue-Johnstown) during the Adirondack Outdoorsman Show's two-day event. Pine Tree Rifle Club board members will be on hand with an exhibit documenting & celebrating Donaldson and the history of benchrest shooting. Benchrest shooting historian John DelSavio will also be on hand at the event signing copies of his book "Pine Tree Rifle Club - A Pictorial History (1937-2014)". For more information on the event, visit www.adkshow.com . A special thanks to John DelSavio, Paul Catucci and Ken Benton for their research assistance in writing this article.

Mike Hauser is the founder of the Fulton County Baseball & Sports Hall of Fame in Gloversville. If you have story ideas, old articles/photos or would like to nominate someone for the HOF, he can be reached through the organization's website at www.fchof.com or at 518-725-5565.


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2018 Featured Guests Biographies:

In keeping with our great tradition of bringing you the “Industry Experts”, we are once again very proud of the “Featured Guests” who will be on hand to meet/greet/interact with all of our attendees this year.

Book Author J. Michael Kelly

In 1971, J. Michael Kelly wrote a 2,500-word article for Outdoors Life. It was part of a class assignment during his senior year at Syracuse University and was titled "Otisco Lake Grab Bag." It netted him a check for $400, which was a princely sum in those days. More importantly, the story started the long-term revival of a popular fishing hole in the Finger Lakes region of New York and would be the first of more than 2,000 features Kelly sold to magazines over the next 40 years. From 1971 through 2007, Kelly worked as a reporter and columnist for the Syracuse Post-Standard, and for the last 16 years with the paper, he wrote exclusively about the outdoors. Kelly's first book, published in 2009, was titled "Farewell, Old Girl, and Other Stories of the Great Outdoors." The covers story of that book, about the life and death of his devoted English Springer Spaniel, Harley, promoted more than 200 teary-eyed dog owners to contact him via letters, post cards, telephone calls, emails and, in a few instances, by waiting in the newspaper lobby to shake his hand. Kelly has gone on to write three more books; FISHING THE FINTER LAKES / TROUT STREAMS OF CENTRAL NEW YORK / TROUT STREAMS OF WESTERN NEW YORK. Kelly will be on hand at our event greeting readers and signing copies of all three books, which will available for sale.



New York Outdoor News Editor Steve Piatt

Steve PiattSteve PiattSteve Piatt

Steve Piatt has served as editor of New York Outdoor News since the publication was launched in the fall of 2004, and has been a newspaper reporter and editor for nearly 40 years. He's an avid outdoorsman who has hunted and fished across North America. He loves spring gobbler hunting (and has taken the grand slam); deer hunting with bow or rifle; fly fishing the Adirondacks and Catskills as well as backcountry brook trout streams; and hunting pheasants with his Labrador retrievers. During his newspaper career he has won numerous awards for sports and outdoor columns, investigative reporting, news reporting and has also received several honors from the New York State Outdoor Writers Association for his work. He is also the recipient of the Bass Pro Shops Pass It On award for his efforts in involving youth in hunting and fishing; the Professional Communications Award from the New York State Chapter of Trout Unlimited; the Conservation Communicator Award from the New York State Conservation Council; and the New York State Outdoorsman Hall of Fame's media award. He's a member of the National Wild Turkey Federation, Trout Unlimited and National Rifle Association, and works alongside his wife, Paula, who serves as associate editor for New York Outdoor News. Piatt will be on hand at this year's event at the New York Outdoor News Booth greeting readers and talking about the Outdoors.


Northern Sasquatch Research Society & Brian Gosselin,Whitehall NY Police Officer who had 1976 Sasquatch/Bigfoot Encounter

Big FootBig Foot

Nothing evokes one's imagination and fear of the North Country like the legend of Sasquatch (aka Bigfoot). The first known Adirondack sightings (according to legend & lore) were by members of the First Iroquois Nation who inhabited the Northeast. The first documented sighting took place during the exploration of the St. Lawrence Seaway and Great Lakes of U.S. & Canada by French Explorer Samuel de Champlain in the early 1600's. Since then, over 200 sightings are on record, including one of the more known Adirondack sightings that took place in 1976. On August 25, 1976 Whitehall NY Police Officer Brian Gosselin had an encounter with a "Sasquatch-like creature" in a grassy field on Abair Road, just outside of Whitehall NY. Since then, the encounter has become quite well known in the Bigfoot community and Gosselin has shared his story with numerous radio stations, publications, newspapers, and magazines around the world. He has also been featured on documentaries including one produced by Jimmy Wilson of White Wolf Productions, one for Outdoor Life Network, and more recently on the television show "Monster Quest". Shortly after his encounter in 1976, Gosselin struck up a friendship with Bill Brann. The sighting captured Brann's attention and he has been involved with researching the creature ever since. Through such research, the "Northern Sasquatch Research Society" was formed. Members of this society have traveled the country to investigate evidence related to Sasquatch sightings, while focusing extensively on researching reported sightings in the Adirondacks & Vermont. Gosselin recently published his first book on the sighting called "Abair Road & Beyond". It will be on sale for the very first time at our event. Gosselin and other members of the Northern Sasquatch Research Society will be on hand for both days of our event selling his book and answering questions about the 1976 sightings and others that have taken place in the Adirondacks.




Author Robert Elinskas returns with his newest book

> >

Robert Elinskas, a North Brookfield native and Utica resident who has spent close to half a century hunting the Adirondacks, has told a lot of great tales in his books; A DEER HUNTERS HISTORY BOOK / HUNTING CENTRAL NY WHITETAILS & OTHER WILD ADVENTURES; THE OLD DAYS IN THE ADIRONDACK & ON TUG HILL / ADIRONDACK CAMPS AND HUNTS / ADIRONDACK HUNTERS AND TRAPPERS / IN THE WOODS WITH ADIRONDACK SPORTSMEN / A TASTE OF WILD ALASKA. He recently released an 8th book titled "IN CAMP WITH ADIRONDACK HUNTERS." This book puts you in the woods with some of the Adirondacks most successful hunters, while chronicling the histories on remote camps, including a cave camp near Blue Mountain Lake, hunting along the Adirondack Railroad in the Lake Lila area, Black Creek, West Canada Creek and the Jerseyfield area. Elinskas will be on hand at our event greeting readers and signing copies of all eight books, which will available for sale.


Dr. Richard "Doc" Maretzo - Fulton County Sports HOF Inductions

Dr. Richard -Doc- Maretzo Dr. Richard Maretzo

Story #23 Dr. Richard Maretzo Shooting World Record set at PTRC
By Mike Hauser for the Leader-Herald

In 1940, when Peter Dubuc landed a 46lb. 2oz. / 52.5" long Northern Pike near Benedict Bay on the Broadalbin side of the Great Sacandaga Lake, Fulton County became best known in sporting circles world-wide for having produced the largest Pike ever caught on the entire globe. That "World Record" would hold up until the mid-1980's when a larger Pike was caught in Germany. Today, Dubuc's Fulton County Pike is still a United States Record.

Around this same time, another new "World Record" would come out of Fulton County at the September 10, 1983 IBS National Shoot at the Pine Tree Rifle Club in Johnstown. International Benchrest Shooting (IBS) is the highest test of accuracy and precision in shooting sports where the object is to place 5 to 10 shots through the same hole on a target within a fixed time limit from a very long distance. IBS National competitions originated at the Johnstown Club in 1947 when Harvey Donaldson and the original members of the club held the very first National Shoot. Since the sport was in its infancy, many records would be set and broken (leap frogged over) as the sport of Benchrest Shooting progressed from the 1940's through the 1960's. By the 1970's, the records were established and very hard to match.

Fulton County's next big Sporting World Record came during the Pine Tree Rifle Club's 1983 IBS Group Competition when club member Dr. Richard Maretzo fired 10 shots from a distance of 100 yards and placed all 10 shots into a group that measured .119 of an inch in extreme spread (the size of a dime). According to Pine Tree Rifle Club Historian John DelSavio "this record truly raised the bar and still remains unbeaten through 70 years of competitions". Maretzo was using a rifle that was built by Seeley Masker and fired a 6MM PPC cartridge.

Maretzo grew up in Brooklyn New York, where he did not hunt. However, on family vacations each summer in the Catskills, his Father would bring along his .22 caliber pistol and allowed him the opportunity to fire it. When Maretzo joined the US Army in the mid-1950's his interest in shooting his father's pistol as a young boy led to him participating on the Army's competitive shooting team using a standard Army issued .45 Colt 1911 pistol.

In 1973, his family built a camp on Peck's Lake where they spent their summers. According to Maretzo "on days when the wind was just right, I could hear shooting off in the distance, but I did not know where the shots were coming from. One day I followed the sound of the shots down to town and ended up in front of the Pine Tree Rifle Club and went in and checked it out. I joined the club in 1975 and enjoyed precision target shooting and improving the accuracy of my firearms. In 1978 I had a customized .308 built for me by the Shilen Company, which was thought to be one of the better caliber precision shooting guns at the time. I was shooting at the club one afternoon and I heard a voice come up behind me asking if I would be interested in competitive shooting. The man behind the voice was club member Bob Bump. I told him that I had no knowledge of how to go about competing and simply enjoyed improving the accuracy of my firearms for myself. Bob immediately took me under his wing and taught me how to take my shooting to the next level in competition. We became very close friends and traveled from competition to competition across the Northeast every weekend beginning in 1979."

Bump's tutelage and all those competitions allowed Maretzo to hone his skills and become a very proficient long-distance shooter. Less than five years later, Maretzo would end up setting three World Records in 1983 competitions. Over his entire shooting career, he would set a total of six World Records, of which three are still active, and won the International Championships in 1983, 1984 and 1985. He also served as the president of Precision Shooting Magazine for many years and was inducted into the Benchrest Hall of Fame in 1989.

The "Old #7 Benchrest" that he sat at to establish the 1983 World Record in Johnstown is enshrined/on display in the entrance area of the Pine Tree Rifle Club, with a plaque that notes the club's benchrest history, and Dr. Maretzo's World Record shot there. According to Maretzo "I had no idea in 1983 when I set the record as to how important it would become to the club. The attention and recognition I have received from it makes me very happy."

Today at age 83, Dr. Maretzo runs a dental practice in Suffern New York (2 1/2 days per week) and is still an active member of the Pine Tree Rifle Club where he shoots in all IBS competitions held at the club. Maretzo will be honored with induction into the Fulton County Baseball & Sports Hall of Fame on Saturday February 10th at the Johnstown Moose Club during the 13th Annual Adirondack Outdoorsman Show. The induction ceremony will take place on the main show floor near the Pine Tree Rifle Club booth at 3pm. Maretzo himself will be in attendance to receive his HOF plaque, along with officers of the Pine Tree Rifle Club. For more information on the induction and event, visit www.adkshow.com .

Mike Hauser is the founder of the Fulton County Baseball & Sports Hall of Fame in Gloversville.
If you have story ideas, old articles/photos or would like to nominate someone for the HOF, he can be reached through the organizations website at www.fchof.com , email; [email protected] or call 518-725-5565.



2017 Featured Guests Biographies:

In keeping with our great tradition of bringing you the “Industry Experts”, we are once again very proud of the “Featured Guests” who will be on hand to meet/greet/interact with all of our attendees this year.

The Adirondack Deer Trackers

The ADK Trackers are a core group of hunters and friends from the Central New York area who have a combined 170 years of Adirondack hunting experience between them.  The group doesn’t have an official leader, but is formed around Adirondack Legend Jim Massett.  Several years ago, Dave Williams and Steve Grabowski were talking about how important it was to get some of Jim’s hunting stories documented.  Knowing that Jim still enjoyed his outdoor activities too much to give enough time up to write a book on his own, it was decided that a book with several authors might be the way to go.  Well known deer tracker and friend Joe DiNitto was brought onboard to round out the crew and the three men approached Jim about the project – and Jim happily agreed.  It was also decided that the books stories would give the reader the feeling that they were in deer camp listening to the author tell the story.   Three years after the original meeting, a new book called “The Adirondack Deer Trackers: Stories As Told In Deer Camp” became a reality.  All four members of this group will be the show signing copies of their new book and answering questions about Adirondack Deer Hunting.



Spider Rybaak


Our second featured guest is writer/photographer and Fishing Author Spider Rybaak. Rybaak, who returns with his newest book “Fishing the Adirondacks”.  Rybaak was born in a refugee camp in Germany shortly after World War II, to Ukrainians enslaved by the Nazis during the conflict.  Since coming to America, Spider has spent the last 25 years in Canastota NY and has been a freelance writer/photographer and has published thousands of stories and photos in magazines ranging from “Outdoor Life,” “In Fisherman,” “Great Lakes Angler,” “Salmon, Trout, Steelhead” and the “American Legion Magazine,” as well as the newspaper “Syracuse New Times”.  Spider has previously authored four books: "Fishing The Great Lakes of New York”, "Fishing Oneida Lake", "Fishing Eastern New York" and "Fishing Western New York.  Spider also writes a blog for Oswego County Tourism (fishingandhuntinginoswego.blogspot.com). Spider will be on hand at the show signing copies of all five of his books and answering questions about fishing all of New York State.


Adirondack Outdoors Editor Leo Maloney

Leo Maloney has been an outdoor writer for over 40 years and is past president of the NYS Outdoor Writers’ Association and an inductee in the NYS Outdoorsmen Hall of Fame. He is currently the editor of Adirondack Outdoors magazine and a former staff writer for the New York Sportsman.  Leo will be at our show distributing complimentary copies of his Adirondack Outdoors magazine and discussing topics on hunting & fishing in New York State.




Pine Tree Rifle Club 80th Anniversary Exhibit
& HOF Inductions

The Pine Tree Rifle Club formed in Johnstown NY (just a few miles from the show) in 1937.  Ten years later they held the first modern Bench Rest Rifle Competition.  This initial competition in 1947 has since blossomed into the sport becoming established internationally.  Board members of this historic organization will be at our event with a special “80th Anniversary of the Pine Tree Rifle Club Exhibit”.  In addition, club historian John DelSavio will be on hand signing copies of his book “Pine Tree Rifle Club – A Pictorial History 1937-2014”.  To honor the organization for its role in the international sport of Bench Shooting, they will be inducted into the Fulton County Baseball & Sports HOF in the “Andy Fusco Contributors Division” during the event.  Inductions will take place on the show floor at 3pm on Day #1 of the event (Saturday February 11th).


2016 Featured Guests Biographies:

In keeping with our great tradition of bringing you the “Industry Experts”, we are once again very proud of the “Featured Guests” who will be on hand to meet/greet/interact with all of our attendees this year.


Deer Steward I, II, & III & Deer Hunting Author
Randy Gilbert Returns with his newest book

Dr. Randall L. Gilbert initially spent four (4) years (ages 12-15) accompanying his father on “Opening Day” in his native New York State’s “Southern Tier.”  He harvested his first buck at the age of 16, which has led to a lifetime of fascination with and pursuit of that magnificent animal – the white-tailed deer.  Dr. Gilbert spent the next forty (40) productive years of his adult life; initially as an acclaimed social studies teacher, and then as a highly respected public school administrator.  He earned his doctorate in Educational Administration and eventually retired from public school employment in 2002. 

Well known in the realm of experienced whitetail hunters in the Northeast and in the publishing world as “The Buckhunter,” Dr. Gilbert spent those very same forty (40) years researching, artistically drawing and painting; not to mention his annually successful “harvesting” of the white-tailed deer.  He invested thousands of hours of writing about, performing observations on (via in-the-field research), reading about and holding numerous discussions with eminent whitetail experts, etc., in his unbounded quest for knowledge and understanding. 

Those extraordinary and dedicated efforts led to his three (3) previous  publications:

a) The A-Z Guide to White-tailed Deer and Deer Hunting,
b)  Whitetail Woods: A Deer Hunter’s Quest,
c) The Definitive White-tailed Deer Book, and
d) WHITETAIL PHD: The Pursuit of Hunting Deer

all of which focus on the object of his obsession – the white-tailed deer.  It has often been said that “The closing of one door leads to the opening of another!”  In Dr. Gilbert’s case, he segued (transitioned) very easily from public school administrator and deer enthusiast, into an author, a legitimate whitetail expert, and now publisher of white-tailed deer books. 

He respectfully earned the title of “The Buckhunter” in 2007!  Currently, Dr. Gilbert is keeping extremely busy by making arrangements for the recording on cassette and CD of his second (#2) book: Whitetail Woods: A Deer Hunter’s Quest.  That book is an “instructional novel” which is meant to enlighten the novice, as well as the more proficient deer hunter, about what really happens in the life of the white-tailed deer; not the “Disneyfication” or “Bambi” version.  “The Buckhunter’s” fifth book:” The Buckhunter’s” Coffee Table/Foot Stool Deer Camp Book is currently complete and awaiting publication. 

This contribution to the literature is in a “Big Book” format (11”x 14”).  It is a compilation of twenty-six (26) jokes, twenty-six (26) cartoons, twenty-six (26) crossword puzzles (each is re-usable), twenty-six (26) favorite deer camp recipes, and even twenty-six (26) quick tips on the whitetail.  It is meant to just lay around the deer camp, be picked up, opened to any page, and be enjoyed for the moment-at-hand!

“The Buckhunter” earned New York State recognition as a NYS Deer Expert (Deer Steward II) this past Summer.  He has since attained national recognition as a “United States White-tailed Deer Expert” upon his achieving/accomplishing the Deer Steward III standard, acknowledged as the highest rank QDMA awards.
Gilbert will have copies of all his publications available for sale at the show.



Spider Rybaak

Spikder Rybaak is a fishing author who was born in a refugee camp in Germany shortly after World War II, to Ukrainians enslaved by the Nazis during the conflict.  Since coming to America, Spider has spent the last 25 years in Canastota NY and has been a freelance writer/photographer and has published thousands of stories and photos in magazines ranging from “Outdoor Life,” “In Fisherman,” “Great Lakes Angler,” “Salmon, Trout, Steelhead” and the “American Legion Magazine,” as well as the newspaper “Syracuse New Times.” 

 Spider has authored four books: "Fishing The Great Lakes of New York," "Fishing Oneida Lake,"  "Fishing Eastern New York" and "Fishing Western New York".   His fifth book, "Fishing the Adirondacks", is scheduled for release later this year.  Spider also writes a blog for Oswego County Tourism (fishingandhutinginoswego.blogspot.com).  He will have copies of all his publications for sale.



Dick Nelson

Amsterdam Recorder outdoor columnist Dick Nelson has been writing an outdoor column for more than 45 years. He is a member and past president of the New York State Outdoor Writers Association; member and past president of the New York Metropolitan Outdoor Press Association and a forty plus year member of the Outdoor Writers Association of America. 

A staunch support of the hunting, fishing, trapping and shooting sports, Dick is viewed as one of the most respected outdoor journalists in the state and is second to none when it comes to addressing issues pertaining to those sports with a reputation of “telling it like it is” regardless of who or what his articles are about.  He will be on hand at this year’s event greeting his readers and answering questions.




2015 Featured Guests Biographies:

In keeping with our great tradition of bringing you the “Industry Experts”, we are once again very proud of the “Featured Guests” who will be on hand to meet/greet/interact with all of our attendees this year.


Adirondack Legend Don Williams returns with his newest book

Don Williams is an Adirondacker.  He was born and raised in the Adirondacks and has never lived or worked more than five miles from the Adirondacks.  Growing up at the ingress of the Northville-Placid Trial provided ample opportunity for him to experience the Adirondacks, its people, its history and folklore.  Don has authored ten books of Adirondack and local history: THE SAGE OF NICHOLAS STONER, NICHOLAS STONER AND THE SAMMONS BOYS, OLIVER H. WHITMAN-ADIRONDACK GUIDE, INSIDE THE ADIRONDACK BLUELINE, THE ADIRONDACKS 1830-1930, THE ADIRONDACKS 1931-1990, ALONG THE ADIRONDACK TRAIL, ADIRONDACK INNS & HOTELS, and his newest book; ADIRONDACK PEOPLE AND PLACES.  In ADIRONDACK PEOPLE AND PLACES, he chronicles the history of the Adirondacks once it was discovered by those that were interested in the out-of-doors and it became a destination for the people.

Williams has also written over 250 articles for magazines including Adirondack Life and the Journal of Outdoor Education.  He served as Adirondack regional editor for New York Sportsman Magazine for twenty years.  His Inside the Blueline newspaper column has appeared weekly in four newspapers since 1989.  He also hosted an Inside the Blueline TV show in Gloversville and Glens Falls for a total of six years.  Don has appeared regularly as an Adirondack lecturer and storyteller at schools and organizations throughout the northeast for over thirty five years.  A former school principal and Adirondack Guide, he has taught “The Adirondacks” at grade schools, libraries, high schools, colleges and Elder-hostel.  Don lives in Gloversville with his wife Beverly in their “replicated Great Adirondack Camp.”  Williams will be on hand for both days of the event signing copies his works that he will have available for sale.  Come meet this “living Adirondack Legend” and get one of his books personalized to you.


Back By Popular Demand - the Salerno Brothers
New York States First Family of Deer Hunting

Pat and Tony Salerno (with special appearance by Pat Salerno Sr.)

When people talk about the Adirondack Mountains and Deer Hunting one name becomes obvious -The Salerno Brothers. Pat and Tony Salerno have been hunting the rugged Adirondack Mountains since knee-high to their dad Pat Salerno Sr. who taught them the art of still hunting, an art they call their own due to the tremendous success they have achieved by taking some of the biggest bucks of the Adirondacks. North American Whitetail Magazine had this to say about the brothers, “years of experience have placed the brothers among the premier trackers in the Adirondacks and it’s because no two hunters will make the effort and sacrifice to hunt the way they do.” Look for the brothers on PBS Television and Fox 44’s outdoor hunting show “The Outfitter”.

Maybe one of the Adirondacks' best kept secrets, the Salerno family, has been taking big bucks from the Adirondack Mountains since the late 1940's. Each Salerno has successfully taken a buck weighing more than 200 pounds and some as much as 232 pounds dressed!  The consistent harvesting of large bucks has always been a tradition for this Adirondack family.

Some of the Salerno hunting skills and tactics have been featured in the Northeast Big Buck Club and New York Game and Fish Magazine. The latter publication referred to them in the July 2005 issue as “New York State's First Family of Deer Hunting" – a title they modestly accept despite their incredible feats. When the Salernos are asked how they achieve such success, the answer is always the same, "It's the old fashion way, we earn it."  The consistent harvesting of large bucks has always been a tradition for this Adirondack family.

To learn more about this dynamic Deer Hunting Family, go to www.salernobrothers.com


Deer Steward I, II, & III & Deer Hunting Author
Randy Gilbert Returns with his newest book

Dr. Randall L. Gilbert initially spent four (4) years (ages 12-15) accompanying his father on “Opening Day” in his native New York State’s “Southern Tier.”  He harvested his first buck at the age of 16, which has led to a lifetime of fascination with and pursuit of that magnificent animal – the white-tailed deer.  Dr. Gilbert spent the next forty (40) productive years of his adult life; initially as an acclaimed social studies teacher, and then as a highly respected public school administrator.  He earned his doctorate in Educational Administration and eventually retired from public school employment in 2002. 

Well known in the realm of experienced whitetail hunters in the Northeast and in the publishing world as “The Buckhunter,” Dr. Gilbert spent those very same forty (40) years researching, artistically drawing and painting; not to mention his annually successful “harvesting” of the white-tailed deer.  He invested thousands of hours of writing about, performing observations on (via in-the-field research), reading about and holding numerous discussions with eminent whitetail experts, etc., in his unbounded quest for knowledge and understanding. 

Those extraordinary and dedicated efforts led to his three (3) previous  publications:

a) The A-Z Guide to White-tailed Deer and Deer Hunting,
b)  Whitetail Woods: A Deer Hunter’s Quest,
c) The Definitive White-tailed Deer Book, and
d) WHITETAIL PHD: The Pursuit of Hunting Deer

all of which focus on the object of his obsession – the white-tailed deer.  It has often been said that “The closing of one door leads to the opening of another!”  In Dr. Gilbert’s case, he segued (transitioned) very easily from public school administrator and deer enthusiast, into an author, a legitimate whitetail expert, and now publisher of white-tailed deer books. 

He respectfully earned the title of “The Buckhunter” in 2007!  Currently, Dr. Gilbert is keeping extremely busy by making arrangements for the recording on cassette and CD of his second (#2) book: Whitetail Woods: A Deer Hunter’s Quest.  That book is an “instructional novel” which is meant to enlighten the novice, as well as the more proficient deer hunter, about what really happens in the life of the white-tailed deer; not the “Disneyfication” or “Bambi” version.  “The Buckhunter’s” fifth book:” The Buckhunter’s” Coffee Table/Foot Stool Deer Camp Book is currently complete and awaiting publication. 

This contribution to the literature is in a “Big Book” format (11”x 14”).  It is a compilation of twenty-six (26) jokes, twenty-six (26) cartoons, twenty-six (26) crossword puzzles (each is re-usable), twenty-six (26) favorite deer camp recipes, and even twenty-six (26) quick tips on the whitetail.  It is meant to just lay around the deer camp, be picked up, opened to any page, and be enjoyed for the moment-at-hand!

“The Buckhunter” earned New York State recognition as a NYS Deer Expert (Deer Steward II) this past Summer.  He has since attained national recognition as a “United States White-tailed Deer Expert” upon his achieving/accomplishing the Deer Steward III standard, acknowledged as the highest rank QDMA awards.
Gilbert will have copies of all his publications available for sale at the show.


The Peter Dubuc Record Northern Pike Display – HOF Induction (Saturday 2pm)

On September 15, 1940 , long-time Great Sacandaga Lake angler Peter Dubuc caught what was at that time, the largest ever recorded Northern Pike caught in the world.  The fish weighed 46 pounds two ounces, was 52.5 inches long and had a girth of 25 inches.  He caught the fish trolling a 6” long, wooden, flap tail plug lure with 2 treble hooks on a 12lb test line with a 48” bronze leader along a quiet bay on the Sacandaga.  At the time, it was recognized as the World Record!  Since then, a larger fish has been caught in Germany.  Regardless, the Sacandaga Beast is still recognized as the North American Record.  ( insert your visitsacandaga Pike story here as well).

Dubuc passed away in 1970 at the age of 80.  To honor her Father, his Daughter Gail Freeman (and his Grand Children) will be attending our event all weekend with a special display called “The Peter Dubuc Exhibit”.  The display features the lure he caught the record fish on, as well as his personal fishing scrapbooks, photos and memorabilia.  The New York Outdoor News will also have a replica mount of the record fish on display (get your photo taken with it)! 

Dubuc will be forever immortalized as he is inducted posthumously into the Fulton County Sports Hall of Fame during the event (insert a link to Dubucs HOF Biography-Ill send later).  Dubuc’s HOF Induction Ceremony will take place on Saturday at 2pm in the “Main Show Hall”.  Dubuc’s family will be presented with his HOF Plaque, while duplicate plaques will go to the Fulton County Museum in Gloversville NY and also to the Wildlife Sports Museum in Vail Mills NY.  “The Peter Dubuc Exhibit” will run for both full days of the event.  Fund raising efforts will also be taking place during the event to raise funds to erect a Fulton County Sports Historical Road Marker on the Sacandaga Lake to memorialize the record catch having taken place on that body of water.  A dedication ceremony will take place erect the historical marker on/near September 15, 2015 to celebrate the “75th Anniversary” of the historic catch.


Times Union Columnist Rob Streeter Returns with his new Fly Fishing DVD

Upstate New York resident Rob Streeter is an avid outdoor writer and author of numerous newspaper and magazine articles. As a life-long hunter, Rob has written about his adventures in a number of national publications.  He especially enjoys hunting big game with the bow, but also spends time afield with the muzzleloader and rifle.  Rob is currently the outdoor columnist for the Albany Times Union newspaper.  He has also written two books on fly-fishing, including his latest, “Warmwater Fly-Fishing, finding and catching warmwater species.”  Streeter just released his first DVD on fly-fishing titled, “Tying and Fishing for Smallmouth Bass” and will be unveiling it at our event.  Copies of both his Books & DVD will be available at the event.



2014 Featured Guests Biographies:

In keeping with our great tradition of bringing you the “Industry Experts”, we are once again very proud of the “Featured Guests” who will be on hand to meet/greet/interact with all of our attendees this year.



Meet William J. O’Hernohernohern

William J. O'Hern – Author of 9 Adirondack Books!

William J. "Jay" O'Hern lives in rural Camden, NY, where he worked as an elementary school teacher for 35 years before retiring. He and his wife, Bette, raised 5 children and now enjoy their many grandchildren. Jay is a graduate of the State Universities of New York at Auburn and at Oswego and did graduate work at both Oswego and the College of St. Rose in Albany.

Jay has also worked in the lumber, paper, chemical, and metal fabricating industries. Carpentry, handicrafts, gardening, kayaking, backpacking, snowshoeing, mountain biking, and writing are his hobbies.  Jay became a 46er in the 1980s and has been a member of the Adirondack Mountain Club since 1969. He lectured for Adirondack Discovery for 17 years, for Sagamore Lodge in Raquette Lake for 7 years and occasionally for the Adirondack Wilderness Days

Some of Jay’s books that he will have on hand at the event will include;

Adirondack Wilderness Days
Noah John Rondeau’s Adirondack Wilderness Days
Why did Noah create his code? What secrets does it contain?
Learn the answers in Noah John Rondeau’s Adirondack Wilderness Days.

Life With Noah
The stories and adventures of Richard Smith with Noah John Rondeau Adirondack hermit.

Life in a North Woods Lumber Camp
A picturesque story of logging and lumbering activities,
lumberjacks, and family life.

Adirondack Kaleidoscope and North Country Characters
An incredible anthology of Adirondack history and folklore.
Dozens of fascinating stories.

Adirondack Characters & Campfire YarnsAdirondack Characters and Campfire Yarns
The who, what and where of Adirondack pioneer life including Guides,
trappers and hermits and how they made their livings.

Adirondack Adventures: Bob Gillespie and Harvey Dunham on French Louie’s Trail
The early adventures of Harvey Dunham to the writing of Adirondack French Louie.
Under An Adirondack Influence:

The Life of A. L. Byron-Curtiss, 1871--1959

The life and stories of the Adirondack minister and outdoorsman A. L. Byron-Curtiss author of The Life and Adventures of Nat Foster Trapper and Hunter of the Adirondacks

Stories of the Black River Country
Adirondack Stories of the Black River Country
A glimpse into life a century ago in the southwestern Adirondacks.

Anyplace Wild in the Adirondacks
20 historic tear-out  postcards  from rare old photographs.

adirondack cookbookAdirondack Cook Book

Meet Nancy Best - ADK Cookbook Author

Learning to Cook Adirondack, is a collection of recipes and memories. The book includes 48 recipes and many historic photos. Best comes from a long line of Adirondack folk. Her great grandfather, David Charbonneau, was one of the first settlers of Old Forge. Her grandfather and grandmother, Cliff and Edith Charbonneau, lived in Old Forge almost all of their lives. Her parents, Betty and Bill Pulling, were brought up in Old Forge and raised their family in Thendara.

Best was born in the area as were her children and her first grandchild. “I have lived all over the country, in both big cities and back woods. But no matter where I’ve been, at some point, at a dinner party or church fellowship someone asks what nationality I am. I’ve always said that I am American. My mom, dad, all four grandparents and the bulk of my great grandparents were all from this country.

According to Best “in the second 50 years of my life I have decided that I am more than American, which I am through and through, I am mostly Adirondack”. Pick up a copy of Learning to Cook Adirondack or Learning to Cook Adirondack; Over An Open Fire, and see how her Adirondack friends and family have helped make her life a feast.  “For me it’s not just the smell or taste of the food, it’s the way it looks on the plate, the people at the table and of course the origin of the recipe,” Best said.
To learn more about Nancy, visit www.nancydidit.com


Meet the Salerno Brothers - New York States First Family of Deer Hunting

Pat and Tony Salerno (with special appearance by Pat Salerno Sr.)

When people talk about the Adirondack Mountains and Deer Hunting one name becomes obvious -The Salerno Brothers. Pat and Tony Salerno have been hunting the rugged Adirondack Mountains since knee-high to their dad Pat Salerno Sr. who taught them the art of still hunting, an art they call their own due to the tremendous success they have achieved by taking some of the biggest bucks of the Adirondacks. North American Whitetail Magazine had this to say about the brothers, “years of experience have placed the brothers among the premier trackers in the Adirondacks and it’s because no two hunters will make the effort and sacrifice to hunt the way they do.” Look for the brothers on PBS Television and Fox 44’s outdoor hunting show “The Outfitter”.

Maybe one of the Adirondacks' best kept secrets, the Salerno family, has been taking big bucks from the Adirondack Mountains since the late 1940's. Each Salerno has successfully taken a buck weighing more than 200 pounds and some as much as 232 pounds dressed!  The consistent harvesting of large bucks has always been a tradition for this Adirondack family.

Some of the Salerno hunting skills and tactics have been featured in the Northeast Big Buck Club and New York Game and Fish Magazine. The latter publication referred to them in the July 2005 issue as “New York State's First Family of Deer Hunting" – a title they modestly accept despite their incredible feats. When the Salernos are asked how they achieve such success, the answer is always the same, "It's the old fashion way, we earn it."  The consistent harvesting of large bucks has always been a tradition for this Adirondack family.

To learn more about this dynamic Deer Hunting Family, go to www.salernobrothers.com


2013 Featured Guests Biographies:

In keeping with our great tradition of bringing you the “Industry Experts”, we are once again very proud of the “Featured Guests” who will be on hand to meet/greet/interact with all of our attendees this year.


Donald Williams–Adirondack Guide/Lecturer/Storyteller & Author

Don Williams is an Adirondacker.  He was born and raised in the Adirondacks and has never lived or worked more than five miles from the Adirondacks.  Growing up at the ingress of the Northville-Placid Trial provided ample opportunity for him to experience the Adirondacks, its people, its history and folklore.  Don has authored ten books of Adirondack and local history: THE SAGE OF NICHOLAS STONER, NICHOLAS STONER AND THE SAMMONS BOYS, OLIVER H. WHITMAN-ADIRONDACK GUIDE, INSIDE THE ADIRONDACK BLUELINE, THE ADIRONDACKS 1830-1930, THE ADIRONDACKS 1931-1990, ALONG THE ADIRONDACK TRAIL, ADIRONDACK INNS & HOTELS, and his newest book; ADIRONDACK PEOPLE AND PLACES.  In ADIRONDACK PEOPLE AND PLACES, he chronicles the history of the Adirondacks once it was discovered by those that were interested in the out-of-doors and it became a destination for the people.

Williams has also written over 250 articles for magazines including Adirondack Life and the Journal of Outdoor Education.  He served as Adirondack regional editor for New York Sportsman Magazine for twenty years.  His Inside the Blueline newspaper column has appeared weekly in four newspapers since 1989.  He also hosted an Inside the Blueline TV show in Gloversville and Glens Falls for a total of six years.  Don has appeared regularly as an Adirondack lecturer and storyteller at schools and organizations throughout the northeast for over thirty five years.  A former school principal and Adirondack Guide, he has taught “The Adirondacks” at grade schools, libraries, high schools, colleges and Elder-hostel.  Don lives in Gloversville with his wife Beverly in their “replicated Great Adirondack Camp.”  Williams will be on hand for both days of the event signing copies his works that he will have available for sale.  Come meet this “living Adirondack Legend” and get one of his books personalized to you.


Big FootBig Foot

Northern Sasquatch Research Society & Brian Gosselin,
Whitehall NY Police Officer who had 1976 Sasquatch/Bigfoot Encounter

Nothing evokes one’s imagination and fear of the North Country like the legend of Sasquatch (aka Bigfoot).  The first known Adirondack sightings (according to legend & lore) were by members of the First Iroquois Nation who inhabited the Northeast.  The first documented sighting took place during the exploration of the St. Lawrence Seaway and Great Lakes of U.S. & Canada by French Explorer Samuel de Champlain in the early 1600’s.  Since then, over 200 sightings are on record, including one of the more known Adirondack sightings that took place in 1976.  On August 25, 1976 Whitehall NY Police Officer Brian Gosselin had an encounter with a “Sasquatch-like creature” in a grassy field on Abair Road, just outside of Whitehall NY.  Since then, the encounter has become quite well know in the Bigfoot community and Gosselin has shared his story with numerous radio stations, publications, newspapers, and magazines around the world.  He has also been featured on documentaries including one produced by Jimmy Wilson of White Wolf Productions, one for Outdoor Life Network, and more recently on the television show “Monster Quest”.  Shortly after his encounter in 1976, Gosselin struck up a friendship with Bill Brann.  The sighting captured Brann’s attention and he has been involved with researching the creature ever since.  Through such research, the “Northern Sasquatch Research Society” was formed.  Members of this society have traveled the country to investigate evidence related to Sasquatch sightings, while focusing extensively on researching reported sightings in the Adirondacks & Vermont.  Presently, there are two new documentaries of the Gosselin’s 1976 encounter in the works, including one being filmed by the Daily News in New York City.  Gosselin and other members of the Northern Sasquatch Research Society will be on hand for both days of our event answering questions about the 1976 sightings and others that have taken place in the Adirondacks.  Come see their pictures, casts and other items that show evidence of such a beast roaming the Adirondacks.  To learn more about the group, go to www.northernbigfoot.net .



Chuck Booker
Holder of 58 Catch & Release Line Class World Records

Fishing Lake Ontario feeder streams near his home in West Amherst NY, this “catch & release expert” has amassed 58 Line Class World Records with the National Fishing Hall of Fame in Hayward WI.  What is even more impressive is that he does it with a $39 Cabelas Fly Rod and a $40 Reel.  Oh yeah, he also does it all from shore.  According to Booker, “I don’t own a boat and don’t want one”.  He hooks, measures, photographs and then releases all his fish.  Using his own specialized refined egg sack and fly patterns with colors that trigger bites, Booker brings in Trophy Brown Trout, Chinook and Cohoes in the Fall, and Trophy Rainbows/Steelheads in the Spring on the small streams and creeks on the Western New York “Greater Niagara Frontier”.  Booker will also tell you that New York State has some of the best world-class fishing in the world and there is no greater experience than to do it using lightweight tackle! 
Chuck will be hand at the show for both days and will gladly show you pictures of his record fish and give you pointers as to when, where and how to land a trophy of your own.  He is always looking for new fishing partners & may even invite you to tag along on a future trip.  To learn more about Chuck, go to his website at www.bigchinook1fishing.com .


Peckpeck bookpecks lake

Alice Wendell Peck
Adirondack Author

Alice Peck was born in Gloversville in 1916, and grew up in a neighborhood on the edge of town with open fields & woods.   She and the other neighborhood children formed a club called the “Rinkydinks”.  They participated in winter sledding, hiking, gathering wild flowers, Baseball, and learned to swim at the Littauer Swimming Pool.  At the pool, some of the club members would became junior and senior lifeguards, and participated in swimming and diving demonstrations.  To this day, Alice still enjoys exercising in her pool during the summer months.  After graduating from High School and then Business School, Alice worked briefly at the Chamber of Commerce.  At the time, the Chamber consisted of Mr. Stille (the director) and Alice (the secretary) and was located on the 3rd floor of the building that is now Key Bank on Main Street in Gloversville.  Her salary was $16 per week.  In 1935, Alice married Albert Peck and spent the next 77 years assisting in the resort business (Peck’s Lake), while raising a family and participating in many different interests & hobbies.  They include painting, antique doll restoration, furniture refinishing, and collecting & selling antique postcards.  During these years, Alice belonged to the former First Methodist Church, where she participated in Sunday School, the Administrative Board, Board of Trustees and the Women’s Society.  In 1995, Alice decided to start a Peck’s Park Historical Society and to restore the Peck’s Lake School House.  Luckily, the original desks, teachers desk, wall maps, books and many other articles pertaining to the school had been stored since the closing of the school in 1959.  Through fundraising efforts consisting of selling shingles for the roof, hosting dinners and garage sales, her efforts netted $4,000. After two years of work, done mostly by volunteers, the museum was finished.  Since the re-opening of the school house in 1997, it has been kept in operation with dues, donations and money generated by their annual Ice Cream Social.  To further preserve the rich history & legacy of Peck’s Lake and the Peck Family, in 2012, at the age of 96, Alice published her first book titled “PECK’S LAKE IN THE ADIRONDACKS”.  Having been part of the family for 77 years, Alice’s gives a firsthand account of the Peck Family’s longtime stewardship of three Adirondack Lakes that were combined into one in the early 1900’s.  The book also includes many vintage color and black-and-white photographs of the lake from the Peck Families archives.  Mrs. Peck will be on hand for both days of the event signing copies of her book that she will have available for sale.  Come meet the newest Adirondack Author and find out what she has planned for her next book.

In addition to this year’s four “Featured Guests”, there will be many other Authors, Writers and unique Industry Experts on hand throughout the event. Several “past Featured Guests” will be on hand as well.   Come meet and learn from the best!
Check our website the day before the event to see the Official Seminar Schedule. Seminar Schedules will also be handed out at the admission area the day(s) of the show.


2012 Featured Guests Biographies:

In keeping with our great tradition of bringing you the “Industry Experts”, we are once again very proud of the “Featured Guests” who will be on hand to meet/greet/interact with all of our attendees this year.

Doug Moody - Creator of the “Bark Eater Bamboo Fly Fishing Poles”, accomplished fly fishermen and freelance musician.

Doug has been making Bamboo Fly Rods for over 20 years. His life-long passion for Adirondack small stream fishing let him to create unique rods for local waters, and form “Bark Eater Bamboo” in 2006. He also teaches Fly Rod Building and repair classes at the Adirondack Folk School in Lake Luzerne NY, and demonstrates cane rod building at the Adirondack Museum in Blue Mountain Lake, NY. When not pursuing his passion for fly fishing, Doug works as a freelance musician, playing violin and singing with many regional and international acts. Doug will be on hand throughout the event showing how he builds his Bamboo Poles through all the various stages of production. Come watch first-hand all the processes involved in making these classic pieces of working equipment and maybe take one home for yourself.


Don Wharton – Adirondack Author

Don is no stranger to our event as he was a “Featured Guest” back at our very first Fall Edition Show in September 2008. A native of Amsterdam, he graduated from the College of Environmental Science and Forestry at Syracuse and served with the Marine Corps in Vietnam. He then worked in the forestry field in the Adirondacks and Oregon. Don has previously written two books: “Adirondack Forest and Stream: An Outdoorsmen’s Reader” and “Backwoods Tales: Adirondack Reader II”. He now returns with his newest book “Adirondack Sportsman’s Reader – Stories of Adirondack Deer Hunting, Trout Fishing, Wildlife, Woodsmen and Bush Pilots”. He has also written articles for many magazines including NYS Conservationalist, Northern Woodlands, Adirondack Life, American Forests, Outdoor Life and Vietnam. He will be on hand the entire weekend selling & signing copies of all three of his books.


“The Bone Man” Sy Lloyd – Forensic Bone Studies Display Creator
Known as “The Bone Man”, Sy will be showing off his unique animal skeletons and forensic bone studies display. He started his forensic bone studies at age 15, when he found a dead Great Blue Heron near his home. He assembled the Heron on a piece of plywood and gave it to his school science teacher in Otego. The teacher had this Bird in his classroom from 1951 until he retired in the 1980’s, and his Daughter now has it on display in her home. After High School, Sy went into the Army and upon discharge, attended college in Oneonta. While at Oneonta, he worked with college professors on their forensic bone research and restarted his work articulating skeletons. After College, Sy embarked on a 28 year career as a High School Teacher in Greenlawn NY (Long Island), where he taught Biology, Earth Science and General Science. Animal carcasses, and Beetles used to clean the carcasses/skeletons were always in his classroom and his students did many dissections beyond what the state required. Sy also volunteered at Smithtown-Setauket Envronmental Center, where he built an extensive collection of articulated skeletons and skulls. His skeletons can also be found at the New York State Museum in Albany, two separate collections at Paul Smiths College, and at the Visitor-Interpretive Centers to the Adirondack Park in Newcomb and Paul Smiths. In addition, DEC has 10 collections created by him that their officers use when traveling to NYS Schools for their “Eagle Program”. Many New York State & New Jersey Schools also have extensive collections he created. He recently delivered articulated displays of a Red-Tailed Hawk and Great Horned Owl to the Raptor Trust in Basking Ridge NJ. A collection is also currently in Paraguay where his nephew teaches in a Christian School. He now travels the Northeast putting on programs for Scouting Troops, Schools, County Fairs, Sportsmen Clubs and now “Outdoorsman Shows”. Come meet Sy and see his unique display up close & personal and learn how to start articulating displays of your own.

In addition to the three “Featured Guests”, there will be many other Authors, Writers and unique Industry Experts on hand throughout the event. Come meet and learn from the best!

Check our website the day before the event to see the Official Seminar Schedule. Seminar Schedules will also be handed out at the admission area the day(s) of the show.


2011 Featured Guests Biographies:

In keeping with our great tradition of bringing you the “Industry Experts”, we are once again very proud of the “Featured Guests” who will be on hand to meet/greet/interact with all of our attendees.

Tom Yacovella – Wildlife Artist, Writer, Educator, National Award-Winning Designer and NYS Fishing Record Holder

Tom may be one of the most accomplished artists to ever grace the Adirondacks. He graduated Magna Cum Laude (in Advertising Design) from Syracuse University and studied his 5th year at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. He has held the position of Art Director at a NYC Ad Agency, In-House Designer for Corning Glass, IBM and General Electrics.

As a Wildlife Artist, Tom has been a devout student of the outdoors for 50 years. This has enabled him to create hundreds of works that accurately depict Animals and Fish in the wild. Some of the accolades for his works include; First Place in the 2006 International Art Competition sponsored by “Art Magazine”, First Place in the 2006 Adirondack National Exhibition of American Watercolors, Winner of the 2003 International Art Competition, People’s Choice Winner of the 2003&1999 NYS Fair Wildlife Art Exhibition, Winner of the 2001 National Rural Life Art Show, to name a few. Tom has been featured on ESPN’s “True Outdoor Adventures.

He is the author of guide books “the Art of Camaflouge” and “Wild Turkey Guide”. He also authored a book called “The Fall”, which is a first-person account of a disastrous fall from a tree stand that was published in Outdoor Life magazine in October 1998. Tom is also a Wild Turkey advocate and co-founder of the Adirondack WildTurkey Unlimited, as well as a member of the NYS Outdoorsmen Hall of Fame.

And if all this were not enough, Tom caught the New York State Record Brook Trout in 2006. The lunker was 21” long, weighed 5lbs 4 ½ ounces and had an incredible girth of 15”. Upon having this record mounted, Tom handled the finishing touches of painting the record fish himself. He will have the Record Brook Trout, as well as pieces of all his art work available for viewing/sale at our event. To learn more about Tom, visit his website at www.yacovellart.com .

Dan Ladd – Outdoor Writer & Adirondack Author

This is Dan’s second time being a “Featured Guest” at our events. We featured Dan a few years ago when he released his first book called “Deer Hunting in the Adirondacks”.

Dan returns this year with his newest book called “Well Seasoned in the Adirondacks”. This new book is a compilation the newspaper articles he has written over the years in his capacity as an Outdoor Writer for several publications across New York State.

Dan currently writes for the The Chronicle Newspaper in Glens Falls, Press Republican in Plattsburgh, Vermont’s Outdoors Magazine, and the New York Outdoor News. Dan is also the creator and webmaster of the popular hunting site called www.adkhunter.com .

Dan uses this site to promote hunting & fishing in the Adirondacks and encourages reader participation by featuring hunting and fishing success stories (and photos) from his readersl. Dan is also very active with the New York State Outdoor Writers Association.

He was instrumental in bringing the NYS Outdoor Writers Spring Safari to Fulton County (Peck’s Lake) back in 2010. He also had a hand in our (Fulton County’s) successful bid to bring the group back to Fulton County in the Fall of 2011 for the NYS Outdoor Writers Annual Conference.

Dan has been a great friend to our show and the efforts of all Outdoorsman across the state for many years. He will be on hand with copies of his books available for signing. To learn more about Dan, visit www.adkhunter.com .

Todd Mead - Adirondack Deer Hunting Author

Todd Mead is our third Featured Guest and he recently authored a Deer Hunting Book titled “A Lifetime of Big Woods Hunting Memories: Hunting in the Adirondacks with a Father & Son”.

Mead, who grew up in Kingsbury NY (small rural farming community on the Southern edge of the Adirondack Park), began writing when he was in High School & College! Upon graduating from college (SUNY Oneonta) he took a job with Tribune Media, where he still works as an International Editor.

A few years ago, Todd was challenged by a good friend to take his vast amount of knowledge on hunting, along with the many stories he and his Dad (Charlie Mead) had about hunting in the Adirondacks and put them into a book. The end result was Todd’s first book and a website that contains Blogs about his experiences.

Todd will be attending our show with copies of his book and a unique display of the trophy Whitetail Deer that he has shot. You can see them all for yourself, up close and personal. To learn more about Todd and see his Blogs, go to www.toddmead.com .


In addition to the three featured guests, there will be many other Authors, Writers and unique Industry Experts on hand at the event. Come meet and learn from the best!


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